What Are The Drawbacks Associated With The Ice Cream Diet?

By James Steele

Ok, here's something for you - this diet, the Ice Cream Diet, is an approach where you can enjoy your ice cream, every day, and still manage to lose weight. All people, in Western societies, realize all too well that ice cream is not supposed to be mixed with dieting. So what is up with this idea? We really were interested to discover what was behind this crazy idea about losing weight and eating ice cream. So that's what we did.

The Ice Cream Diet, like many others, will talk about why you need to develop the habit of good and regular exercise to accompany the diet and help you lose weight. Also, just in case... the Ice Cream Diet doesn't mean you eat all the ice cream you want, and then something extraordinary happens and the weight starts disappearing. Any diet that makes the claim that you can lose weight without exercise is terribly misinformed or just outright misleading you. When you look at this diet, what you'll see are recommendations to eat well but lower in calorie, regular healthy work-outs Monday through Friday for half an hour apiece, and only then are you encourage to imbibe in smaller portions of ice cream each day. Follow their guidelines, and you can lose weight while eating ice cream.

But, the Ice Cream Diet name seems like it can lead people astray, at least initially. There still is, however, the emphasis on low daily caloric intake, but you can eat a bit of the good stuff, too. People who buy this book may think that they will be allowed to eat as much ice cream as they want, which is very far from the truth.

People could also get the wrong impression and think the diet is fake and it only makes you fatter - no! The thing is a lot of people will embark on something without doing the necessary homework. Remember that with the Ice Cream Diet it's still important to exercise and be mindful about your daily calories.

It's not for everyone, but the Ice Cream Diet is for a lot of people who don't want the total brutality of dieting. It depends, however, on sticking to the dietary and exercise recommendations and eating a very limited amount of ice cream. You can lose weight, no doubt, with the Ice Cream Diet if you're able to follow those three points.

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