Start Losing Weight Now!

Okay, you've realized that you need to shred some pounds off. You decide to finally take action and stop the bad habits you've been doing for years and years. So, where and how do you start? I will show you how I prepared for my process of losing weight and avoid the mistakes that I did so you can have a more efficient jump start.
  1. Set Your Goal! This is probably the most important step in the process. You need to know what you want for your body. Don't just say "I want lose a couple pounds." No, be more specific. Write down your target weight, wanted measurements, or even body fat content. Also, it's important to know when you want to complete your goal, either short term like 2 pounds week or long term like 30 pounds by the end of the year.

  2. Get Your Mind Right! Be mentally prepared for your weight loss because if you're not, consequences may deadly. You already have that drive to lose weight because you're reading this article; all you need is to take action. Ask yourself what made you want to lose weight. Write them down with your goals. Write them even if they're silly. I remember writing "I'm jealous of my friend Louis" or "I want to look good for Sara". Whatever it may be, write them down with your goals and say them out loud to yourself in the morning.

  3. Start a Diet Plan and Throw out Bad Food. Most plans say that diet is 80% of the work to achieve your perfect body. It's true. Your workout is simply a waste if you are not eating right. So, find a decent one that suits your goal. Another alternative is to know the difference between bad food and quality food. Most of my friends that lost weight did not start out with a plan but they educate themselves what to eat and what not to eat.

  4. Establish Time and Place to Exercise. Personally, I made a mistake by not doing this. You can avoid my mistake by simply knowing the time and place to exercise. Whether it's in the morning at the gym or afternoon at home, it does not really matter. Just stay consistent and you'll drop weight faster than you can imagine.

  5. Find a Buddy. If you're a competitive person, find a buddy that will compete with you. Not only losing will be much quicker but it will be fun as well. Buddies can also accompany you while doing cardio or getting groceries.This will create bond between both of you. Buddies are good motivation so associate with people who are trying to achieve similar goals as you.

  6. Set a Starting Day. Now you're ready to start losing weight. Make sure you start on a day that you feel like it's the beginning of the week. Personally, I chose Monday because it's after the weekend. Some people choose Sunday because it is the day to start the week. Other may choose Friday due to work or school.
    These steps will give you a great start if you follow them. Avoid bad habits as much as possible and stay positive. You already have the will do it so take action. Don't get discouraged easily and great rewards await you in your future. If you want to learn more,
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Beauty is not caused. It is"
Emily Dickinson 

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