How The Rule Of 20:80 Should Be Applied To Weight Loss!

The rule of 20:80 simply means that twenty percent of our efforts affect eighty percent of our results! This applies to many things in our lives, as well as your weight loss efforts! So what do I mean by the above statement?
There are many things you may have heard about weight loss. Some examples are regarding the foods to eat to lose weight, exercises to be performed, sufficient sleep and so on. However, not all of these activities are equally important when it comes to losing weight effectively and quickly. Some of them are much more effective in losing fat. In fact, only a small proportion of all the weight loss advice out there is needed to get you losing weight. The rest can further aid the process, but really is not necessary.
The following are some of the most important factors which can make or break your weight loss transformation.

Firstly, you have to get motivated to lose weight. You have to find your personal motivation behind wanting to lose weight and this is very crucial. It has to be something which you can really identify with. Since weight loss usually comes in spurts, there will be times where you will not see results despite putting in effort. That is when your initial motivation needs to come in to spur you on, and to keep you going.

Secondly, you have to start lifting weights. Although you can lose weight without lifting weights in the gym, guys will end up looking like a typical skinny guy, while girls will look shapeless. That is not the look you want. Weight lifting helps guys get a lean and toned physique, while it helps girls get an attractive toned look! In addition, muscle helps to burn fat, and therefore the muscles you gain from weight lifting will help you increase your metabolism passively!

Next, you have to get sufficient sleep and rest. It is important to have least seven hours of sleep everyday. You should also incorporate some rest days in between your exercise days. This is to prevent your body from going into the over-trained state, which is a state where you feel weak and sick.

Lastly and most importantly, it will be your diet. You can perform everything else perfectly, but as long as your diet is bad, you will not lose any weight at all. You should always be in a calorie deficit, which basically means burning more calories than your body takes in.
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody"

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